
A clearer path to global product and labeling compliance.

Asset 6@3x-8


Discover - Every journey starts with discovery.

Whether it’s new regulations, new categories or novel ingredients, we work collaboratively with your business to discover what your compliance needs are, right from the start of development.


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Partnering with Ashbury


Save time and headaches with a simple process and central point of contact.

  • Deep dive scoping call to understand your needs and how Ashbury can help
  • We’ll send you a bespoke quote
  • Work starts and we introduce you to the lead Expert
  • We deliver the completed work and ensure the advice is practical and informative
  • If any follow up is needed we are here to support


The cost of getting it wrong could mean someone’s life. The confidence knowing you’ve got it right? Priceless.

  • Our rates depend on the specific service you require and the countries you are interested in.
  • The more information you can provide the more detailed the quote.
  • We'll provide you with a transparent and itemized quote that shows how the total cost is calculated.
  • We can also quote the work in a range of currencies to suit you.


We know how important timeliness is when it comes to a product launch. Every project is unique, once we’ve scoped your needs, you’ll get a transparent, realistic turnaround time.

  • We’ll let you know at quote stage the project delivery date.
  • Our turnaround times range from 3 – 12 days (depending on service and countries required).
  • If you’re in a hurry we may be able to offer a fast track (there is an additional price to this). Of course, we always try to deliver early.

Buyers Guide

Other service providers:

Asset 15@3x-8

Resources spread thin across multiple offerings (testing, audits, complaints, certifications)


Asset 14@3x-8

We are specialists; our entire busiensses is built around a dedication to delivering excellent regulatory compliance

Asset 15@3x-8

Limited global reach

Asset 14@3x-8

Expertise in over 80+ countries

Asset 15@3x-8

Decentralized project management resulting in inconsistent quality and processes and multiple stakeholders to manage - especially when it comes to distributors/importers

Asset 14@3x-8

Centralized management and one point of contact for consistent streamlined delivery

Asset 15@3x-8

One size fits all approach that doesn't consider your business model and needs

Asset 14@3x-8

Flexible programs that integrate best practice and your businesses ways of working

Asset 15@3x-8

Advice that sign-posts to legislative documents

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Interpretation of legislative documents to inform practical advice and provide a risk based assessment for evidence driven decision making

Asset 15@3x-8

Law firms are expensive, and lawyers often don't have practical F&B experience

Asset 14@3x-8

We use real food scientists and trading standards professionals with hands on experience bringing compliant products to market

Asset 15@3x-8

Service delivery only with a one-dimensional approach

Asset 14@3x-8

360 degree analysis of compliance, identifying gaps for continuous process improvement

Asset 15@3x-8

Lack of visibility and control of process and value added

Asset 14@3x-8

Comprehensive governance for complete confidence in the value we add