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Labeling products for export to the EU: Six common challenges to consider

Labeling products for export to the EU: Six common challenges to consider

Labeling compliance is often the last thing to be considered when beginning to export, but it is a vital part of the process.

Ashbury’s International Product Advisor, Nadia Lama, shared six key considerations for exporting to the EU in a guest blog with DIT / Exemplas Trade Services.

So, what are the six things she mentions?

  1. Responsible Food Business Operator (FBO)

  2. Applicable legislation – national versus harmonised

  3. Enforcement policies

  4. Meaningful and complaint translations

  5. Multilingual labels and over-stickers

  6. Compliant pictorials

You can read the full piece on their website.

Caitlin Stewart, Marketing Manager

My background in Food Science and Marketing means I have a unique combination of commercial creativity and technical food manufacturing experience. My ambition is to bring clarity to the complex world of compliance through the simple and eye-catching communication of Ashbury's services.

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